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Year 5 and 6 Swans

Teacher - Mrs Witty - Crane
Teaching Assistant - Mrs O'Donnell


Welcome to Swan class

This term we have a very exciting history project! We are going to be exploring the Anglo Saxons to the Vikings and answering the question ‘How did the rule of Britain change over time?’

Children will re-visit the Romans and recap their legacy before travelling back through time to the Anglo Saxons. They will explore all things Anglo Saxons  including what life was like during this time, considering the significance of prehistoric achievements and exploring different settlements.  

In literacy, children will dive into writing a tale of fear story followed by an information text about all things Anglo Saxons. In maths, we are going to be learning about number and place value and addition and subtraction. In science, we will be exploring inheritance and evolution. 

We will be learning about Anglo Saxon Jewellery and will create our own out of clay. This will go on display in our class museum at the end of the term for other classes to come and visit. 

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