Grasmere Academy

Year 3 and 4 - Hedgehogs

Teacher - Miss Sutton
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Revitt
Welcome to Hedgehog class
This term we have a very exciting history project! We are going to be exploring the Stone Age to the Iron Age and answering the question ‘Could we survive the Stone Age to the Iron Age?’.
The children will travel back through time by exploring all things Stone Age including what life was like during this time, considering the significance of prehistoric achievements and exploring different settlements.
The children will dive into a finding tale followed by a recount report about all things Stone Age to the Iron Age.
In maths, we are going to be learning about number and place value and addition and subtraction.
In science, we will be exploring rocks and animals including humans.
We will be looking at Lascaux Cave Paintings and the children will be creating their own (and their own paint)! They will also be creating their own models of Stonehenge in DT to share on our website/Twitter.