Grasmere Academy

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education
British Values and Heritage
At Grasmere Academy we teach a curriculum that is built upon the foundations of an effective learning community. We pride ourselves in nurturing the whole child and teaching values and morals as the bedrock to building citizens of the future. We do this discreetly through our PSHE curriculum, but it also threads through the fabric of our school, in how we teach our children, our expectations and the activities we organise.
We believe that a sense of belonging is vital to developing a well rounded child so local and British heritage is taught to our children.
The British values are defined as:
We engage our children in democracy in the following ways:
Pupil and parent voice is a very important to us and a regular future within our school.
School Parliament Elections
School Parliament training and meetings
Classroom helpers
Rule of law
Rules and laws are very important and enable our safety and rights to be upheld. They are important at a home, school and at a national level. Our school rules "Ready, Safe, Respectful" and our school Mission Statement are reinforced by all staff throughout the school day. Children learn about the rule of law in the following ways:
Our Mission statement
Our school rules "Ready, Safe, Respectful"
Reward systems for following the rules and sanctions for not following the rules
Children are taught the value and reason behind laws and the consequences when laws are broken
Rules in sports and games
Individual liberty
Our community are free to express their opinions and feelings in a variety of different ways e.g. through debate. Our PSHE curriculum and E - Safety lessons helps drive the themes and issues that children are asked to discuss. Assemblies are used to add to this.
Mutual respect
One of our key rules is respect for others and property. These values underpin our community and school ethos and all staff, children and visitors are expected to show respect towards others at all times.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
At Grasmere we celebrate uniqueness and individuality, talents and diversity, opinions, faiths and religions. Every member of our community shows acceptance for these differences and celebrate what they add to our learning. Children learn about tolerance in some of the following ways:
RE and PSHE curriculum
Charity and community events

PSHE Curriculum
Our PSHE curriculum is reviewed on an annual basis, to ensure that coverage is tailored, bespoke and meets the needs of our community, as well as the statutory duties. Our children love these lessons as they have the opportunity to discuss important and relevant issues that effect them. Please see our PSHE curriculum page for this years coverage.