Grasmere Academy

Year 1/2 - Badgers

Teacher - Mrs Waters
Teaching assistants:
Mrs Stephenson
Welcome to Badger class.
Badgers are a Year 1 and 2 mixed class full of curiosity, creativity, empathy, happiness and a love of reading. We nurture our love of books through decodable phonics books and reading for pleasure, enabling us to learn facts, escape to other places, meet a wide range of people and understand the world around us. Throughout the year, we will be visiting the local library, inviting virtual authors into our classroom and visiting authors and illustrators in ‘real life’.
Autumn Term: We will be learning all about famous inventors of different modes of transport. Along side this we will investigate different materials suitable for everyday objects and vehicles.
Spring Term: We will be learning all about our local area, the United Kingdom. We will compare where we live to a non-European country, finding out about culture, population, climate and much more. In science we will be finding out all about humans, animals and how to stay healthy.
Summer Term: We will be making use of the enquiry skills we have learnt throughout the year to find out about a local historical significant person - Grace Darling. Linked to this we will be
finding out about the differences of landscape along our North East coast lines. In science we will be investigating plants and their habitats.
Throughout the year we will also be covering different units of learning in literacy, maths,
computing, art and design, RE, PE, music, seasonal change and much more.
We intend to have an amazing year, watch this space!