Grasmere Academy

Learning Life Skills @ Grasmere Academy
At our Academy we believe that it is important that we prepare ourselves for future lives. We look beyond Year 6 and start to think now about our aspirations and what skills we might need to have to get there.
PHSCE curriculum
Mrs Curry delivers our Personal, Health, Social and Citizenship Education (PHSCE) across the school. In these sessions we think about themes and ideas that really make us reflect on our life choices. have a look at some of the things we have been up to...

Forest School

Forest School is an essential part of our curriculum. We allow children the opportunity to access essential skills that compliment skills that they might learn within a classroom.
When the children are outside they feel a sense of freedom to be able to express thoughts and emotions and this is a great self personal skill to master. It enables readiness to learn.

Creating a sense of purpose
The lovely activities we get up to...
Our Learning Lodge