Grasmere Academy

Grasmere Academy has a Governing Body which ensures the school is securing the best possible provision and outcomes for every child. Governors meet regularly to review the school’s progress and to monitor plans for improvement. Governors come from all walks of life bringing their particular skills and experiences to the school.
The Academy also has a Board of Directors representing the academy sponsor: North Tyneside Academy Foundation. The sponsor’s Chief Executive sits on the school Governing Body. Representatives from North Tyneside Learning Trust also sit on our Governing Body.
Grasmere Academy Governors and Sponsor

A welcome from the Chair of Governors
Welcome to the Governor section of the website
Governors come from all walks of life and our Governing Body is no different! We have Headteachers, Scientists, Accountants, Staff, Civil Servants, Self-employed people and most importantly Parents. To be a Governor all you have to do is give up your time to spend in School attending meetings and events. We have a full Governing Body meeting every half term to ensure the Academy runs smoothly, in addition we have Committee meetings to oversee Finance and Staffing matters, Quality, to ensure that all children in the Academy progress and achieve their full potential and Health & Safety and Safeguarding Committee to ensure the safety of children and staff.
It is a very rewarding role as you see the children flourish, grow and prepare themselves for their next adventure in life.
Lynn Goossens
Chair of Governors
Grasmere Academy Governors 24/25
David Baldwin Founding
David Hodgson Founding
James Wilkinson Founding
Trustees Type of Governor
Lynn Goossens Community
Adam Rayner Community
Kerry Lilico Headteacher
Matthew Maplesden Co - opted
Hannah Girvan Staff
Adele Rigby Co - opted
Finance, Staffing & Premises
David Hodgson (Founding)
Lynn Goossens (Chair)
Kerry Lilico (Headteacher)
Hannah Girvan (Staff)
Adam Rayner (Community)
Matthew Maplesden (Co-opted)
(NB: Staff Governors to withdraw for pay and appraisal issues)
Health & Safety and Safeguarding
Hannah Girvan (Staff) Chair
Kerry Lilico (Headteacher)
David Baldwin (Foundation)
David Hodgson (Foundation)
Pupil Discipline
David Hodgson (Founding)
Lynn Goossens (Community)
Plus 1 x Governor
(NB: Headteacher can’t be a member and other members should withdraw if they have an interest to declare)
x 3 Governors selected as and when required, dependent upon availability/no prior knowledge of the specific issue
(NB: Staff Governors can’t be appointed to Staff Dismissal or Dismissal Appeals Committee)
Quality Committee
Lynn Goossens (Community) Chair
David Baldwin (Founding)
Kerry Lilico (Headteacher)
Adele Rigby (Co-opted)
Performance Management
Lynn Goossens (Community)
David Hodgson (Founding)
Lynn Goossens (Community)
David Hodgson (Founding)
Kerry Lilico (Headteacher)
Governors/Headteacher with delegated responsibility for Staff Dismissal
Governors to be drawn from Staffing, Finance & Premises Committee where possible
(NB: Not the Headteacher when he/she is the subject of disciplinary procedures. Staff Governors can’t be appointed to Staff Dismissal, or Dismissal Appeals Committee)
Committee Membership
Click on the text below for the links to:
Governing Body Attendance 2024/25
Governing Body Code of Conduct
Grasmere Academy Articles of Association
Governing Body Membership and terms of office (February 2025)